5 thoughts on “What does the emoticons in WeChat mean?”

  1. The meaning of the expression in WeChat is as follows:
    A many friends use WeChat to send blessings to their family and friends, some will add some WeChat emoticon passwords to add some special effects to the blessings sent out, such as: love, stars, cakes , Christmas tree and so on.
    Love rain passwords: Mao Da, I love you
    Star rain order: Miss U, miss you
    cake rain passwords: birthday, happy birthday
    Christmas tree rain password: Christmas Christmas Happy
    The exclusive password for Black Face Fool's Day: I love you
    In money bag rain passwords: Congratulations to Fortune

  2. Pay content for time limit to check for freenAnswer 1. WeChat emoticons have a lot of meanings, people's joy, sorrow and joy, etc., all have corresponding expressions; 2. For example: smile; smiling; spoiling lips; color; dazzling; proud; crying; shut up. Wait; 3. When put the mouse button on each of the corresponding emoji pictures, it will automatically prompt the meaning of this expression.

  3. Most of the representatives are sometimes more appropriate to use expressions than typing, and they can increase fun. There is also a summary of pictures when I don't know what to say.
    The expression of WeChat, laughing, crying, angry or whatever, there should be small words next to it.

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