how to sell wholesale jewelry to stores How to withdraw cash on Ouyi Metax

how to sell wholesale jewelry to stores

1 thought on “how to sell wholesale jewelry to stores How to withdraw cash on Ouyi Metax”

  1. jd wholesale jewelry Step 1, open the Ouyi platform website and log in to the account;
    Step 2, replace it with USDT, because some digital currencies cannot be withdrawn directly on the European platform, we need to sell digital currencies to USDT;
    Step 3, turn on the C2C transaction, click on the coin page, click to open the C2C transaction;
    , the 4th, select USDT transaction, choose to sell USDT transactions in C2C transactions; Select the payment method, and then select the merchant you want to trade, just complete the order.
    It should be noted that after the application is applied for about 24 hours, the account will be available. If the user has not received the account information for more than a day, then you must contact the exchange customer service to check the reason in time.

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