wholesale jewelry for public What is the difference between buying more orders and empty orders in the spot?

wholesale jewelry for public

3 thoughts on “wholesale jewelry for public What is the difference between buying more orders and empty orders in the spot?”

  1. wholesale jewelry chains 1. The empty order
    is that investors believe that the price of crude oil may fall in the future, and then place an order to buy a decline. This contract is called empty orders, and professional terms are also called "selling short." Assuming that the price of crude oil is 12 US dollars, if the price of crude oil fell to $ 8 afterwards, when we liquidated, the order was profitable, and the amount of profit was 12-8 = 4 US dollars.
    2, multi -order
    is that investors believe that the price of crude oil may rise in the future, and then place an order to buy up. This contract is called multi -order. many". Assuming that the price of crude oil is 12 US dollars, and the price of crude oil rises to $ 16 afterwards. When we liquidate, the order is profitable, and the amount of profit is 16-12 = 4 US dollars.
    The spot trading mechanism is a city merchant. This allows the spot to trade in both directions, that is, you can do more, and you can make more orders; you can also short, of course, the short order is empty.

  2. crystal gemstone jewelry wholesale The spot is a variety of electronic disk financial investment that can be traded in two -way transactions.
    Buy more orders, just watch the bullish: buy first and then sell;
    profit calculation method:
    (the liquidation selling price-building price-the price-handling fee)*trading position
    Buying empty orders is to see the decline: first sell
    profit calculation method:
    (Jianchang selling price-closure purchase price-handling fee)*trading position
    3,000 yuan per kilogram, Zhang bought 10kg multiple orders, Li bought 10kg empty orders. When the price fluctuates to 3100 yuan per kilogram, Zhang Mo profits 1,000 yuan, Li Mo loses 1,000 yuan (this case has no considering handling fee for considering fees factor)

  3. wholesale genuine amber jewelry Empty drops are rising, so remember that there is nothing wrong with
    buy a lot of orders, that is, to watch the bullish: buy first and then sell; The empty order is to see the decline: first sell and then buy the profit calculation method: (Jianchang selling price-closed position buying price-handling fee)*trading position.

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